Sunday, November 9, 2008

This is dreamblog

Hello everyone! Welcome to dreamblog. Here you can post any dream you have ever had in your life. Please do not be afraid to share any dream you have ever had. We all have dreams every night whether we remember them or not. These dreams have meaning and we should not overlook them. Please be as specific as possible when you share your dream to the world. Please assign a title to your dream and make it as long or as short as you would like. Remember, there is no such thing as a bad dream, only a nightmare. Thank you and happy posting!


elizabethany said...

[Since I'm done commenting others in class, I figured I'd share my "dream."]

I have a really odd, weird, recurring dream that I have had ever since I can remember.. I'd say about 5 years old or so..

EVERY TIME I am about to have a nightmare, seriously.. every time as far as I know.. I have this dream that I wake up in my old room and run out screaming. I have a tail. Like a tiger's tail. I run out to the garage and try to tell my mom what is going on but I can't find her anywhere. I'm running all over the house and then I run into some room and slam the door. My tail gets stuck in the door! And on the door is a sign that says "Nightmare."

I'm not lying. I'm not making it up. I wish I was. It's crazy, lol.

Pace e Amore said...

When I was young, I would have this reoccurring nightmare of being chased endlessly through a building by a crazy doctor and the disheveled professor. The doctor was always fully dressed in his white lab coat, ripped sky blue shirt, and this headband with a circular, shiny, metal object on it. He carried lots of scalpels in the pocket of his lab coat so he could whip them out while chasing me. The professor wore a green jacket and a black turtle neck. His hair was always messed up as if by my entering the building I had awoken him from a deep sleep.

The professor’s job was to catch me but the doctor always chased after yelling, “You can’t do a bloody thing!” I would run from room to room, never being able to find a way out, not even knowing how I got there. This building was like a maze with no exit. Every door seemed as if it would lead to the outside, but then I would enter and find a whole new world.

Once I found this room that was pitch black; although, it wasn’t for me. I would enter and hide in the corner under a table, the doctor and his assistant would come in, but they couldn’t see me. I could see them perfectly clear, almost as if I had night vision goggles. Of course I would always try to escape out the door without them hearing me, but the door would always slam right behind me and they would trail right after.

There was one room in particular that I would always seem to visit. This room was slow and blurry. The light was on, unlike the dark room, but I couldn’t’ see anything. It was as if I had the worst vision. All I could see was the colors of the objects in complete haze. I would feel my way around (usually running into sharp objects hurting myself), always squinting really hard to see if I could fathom what was in the room. I always imagined it was a doctor’s office, with this awful pale bluish green tiles all over the walls and floor, white cabinets and this massive black patient seat with the crinkly paper.

Not only could I not see in this room, but my body barely moved. If was as it someone was watching a movie of me, and put it in slow motion. I remember trying so hard and fighting to move quickly but not succeeded. This was like walking through stiff jello. I always wondered, was it really hard to move or was it my mind telling me that everything around was going so slow?

This is the room where I always got caught. The doctor and the professor would enter the room and snatch me up right away. They somehow had the ability to move quickly in this room.
I would usually fall into a deep sleep and then awake in a cave on top of a cliff that led down to fiery red lava. The glow of the lava would illuminate the cave and was the only light apart from the doctor’s lantern. As I would start to gain consciousness, I remember seeing the doctor flick this huge needle, and fluid shooting out. He would always cackle while doing this and that laugh can still pierce my ears. I then would notice that I was strapped into this huge wooden chair, always reminded me of an electric chair. I immediately start to scream causing much distress to the professor and doctor. They excitedly would un-tie the leather buckles that strapped me in and then would drag me to the edge of the cliff. The lava would bubble and pop, just like it was out of a movie. I remember dragons trying to reach out and grab me with their colossal yellow tinted fangs. They were so thrilled at the idea of eating me for dinner. At this point I would be standing close to the edge and would turn around, the doctor and professor were 5 ft away walking towards me, doctor with needle in hand, forcing me closer and closer to the edge of the cliff. I kept turning my head from the doctor’s needle, to the dragon’s fangs, to the hot lava bubbling.

Then I wake up, I don’t know if I fell in and was eaten by a dragon, burnt to a crisp by lava, or stab with that insanely huge needle. But guarantee I’d visit the doctor and professor at least every couple of weeks.

John Thrasher said...

All my life I have had continuing dreams about tornadoes. The first one I remember is being at my house on a mountain and seeing a black tornado making its way down another mountain across the town and heading towards my house.

Just last night I had another tornado dream, which reminded me of this blog.

I had a dream I was in someone's house with celebrity blogger Perez Hilton. This is not a joke! He started to look worried and told me that there was going to be a tornado right outside of his house. I went over to the window and you could see the funnel coming down out of the sky.

The next thing I know I am hiding under a table and the entire house is being destroyed. Once the tornado was out of the house I walked outside because people were looking inside of it. I was invited by some girl with glasses to look inside. When I walked inside the tornado I looked up and it was magical. You could see it spinning full of every color you could think of. I hear that people don't dream in color but I definitely do.

After I got done looking up in to the tornado, I raised my arms out wide and told myself that I wanted to fly. Immediately, I flew up above the house that was just destroyed and flew what would probably be around 5 miles and landed in the front yard of another house.

That's all I remember, sadly. I wish I knew what these tornado dreams meant. I can't remember any other tornado dreams that I have had off the top of my head, but I know I have had at least 10.